My Pregnancy Options
Your 3 Primary Options
Make The Choice Right For Your Situation
If you are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy or suspect you could be pregnant, know that you have a choice.
Below we will discuss the 3 primary options you have.
If you find yourself unexpectedly pregnant, abortion is one of the options available to you. Before seeking an abortion, make sure you are up to date on the most current and accurate information on the procedures.
What do I need to know before an abortion?
Abortion is a medical procedure that terminates pregnancy. If you’re considering an abortion, like with any medical procedure, it’s important to be informed about your health. Before making an appointment at an abortion clinic, you should be able to answer these three questions about your body:
- Am I really pregnant?
- How far along am I?
- Could I have an STD?
Abortion Procedures
There are several legal abortion procedures in the U.S.: the abortion pill, the Aspiration procedure, and Dilation & Evacuation (D&E.) It is important to understand the actual procedures themselves and the risks associated with each. Knowing this information will help empower you to make the right decision for you. The staff at Center for Women can provide more in-depth information about these procedures and what to expect.
Side Effects of Abortion
Depending on the procedure, there are several common and more serious, long-term side effects of abortion. In addition to the physical side effects, many women report unexpected negative emotions following an abortion like grief, sadness, anxiety and depression. While there is no exact science to determine who experiences these emotions or how severely they might experience them, it is important to understand that women do feel them. At Center for Women, we understand that the possibility of an unplanned pregnancy can be frightening and cause anxiety. It is important to us that you are informed about your body properly so that you can make the best choice possible for you. If you’re unexpectedly pregnant or think you might be, schedule an appointment for pregnancy testing and to discuss next steps.

Parenting is a big step, even for those who have planned their pregnancy. If you are facing an unexpected pregnancy, an important part of learning all of your options is understanding that they are all possible for you.

You might be hesitant to parent because:
- Your parents or the father is not supportive
- You aren’t sure how you would emotionally or financially support a child
- You don’t know how to balance parenting with work, school, or both
- You aren’t sure if you are mature enough to parent
If you’re considering parenting for your child, Center for Women can help. We provide several resources for new or expecting mothers who desire to parent well. These resources include education, material assistance, and any other support we can provide you with.
Free Appointments
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Parenting Support
At Center for Women, we provide parenting classes to both men and women who are facing an unexpected pregnancy. What to expect during each trimester, breastfeeding, effective disciplinary tactics, and first aid are all topics discussed during the Earn & Learn classes. Dad’s All In focuses on topics like building relationships with sons and daughters, as well as disciplinary tactics and authentic manhood.
Material Assistance
Participation in the parenting classes earns members credits toward the “Parent Store,” where material goods can be redeemed for baby-related items. Items that can be earned at the Parent Store include:
- Prenatal vitamins
- Books and toys
- Diapers and wipes
- Baby food and formula
- Bottles
- Baby toiletries
- Maternity clothes
- Pack n’ Plays
If you’re unexpectedly pregnant and considering parenting, Center for Women is here to help. It’s important that every woman knows she has a choice – if she desires to parent, there is a way. Please schedule an appointment with Center for Women today to discuss your options.

Client Testimonials
Choosing adoption for their children is a brave and empowering decision
for women facing an unexpected pregnancy to make.

Common Reasons For Considering Adoption:
- You aren’t mature enough to parent
- You aren’t prepared to parent but don’t want an abortion
- You don’t feel emotionally or financially prepared to parent
- You’re still in school or heavily focused on career
- You don’t have an established emotional support system
Making an adoption plan for your child is selfless, loving, and often a very difficult decision for a woman to make. There are a number of myths and rumors surrounding adoption that we will briefly discuss to give you a better idea of what adoption really looks like.
I don’t want decisions made for me or for my body.
They won’t be! Did you know, as the birth mother, that you are in control of virtually every aspect of the adoption process? From choosing the adoptive family to deciding on how much time you’d like to spend with the child after he or she is born, you get to choose it all.
If I choose adoption, won’t my child hate me?
It’s been reported that 90% of adopted children over the age of five have positive feelings regarding their adoption. Children are perceptive, and very often recognize the value of their adoption. They know that they have been loved.
Will my child truly be loved if he or she is being raised by another family?
Yes! Did you know that well over half of all adopted children eat dinner with their families at least 6 times per week? And 9 out of 10 adoptive couples say the relationship they have with their adopted children is “very close.” Many families seeking to adopt do so because they are unable to have children, and they deeply desire to be parents.
If you are unexpectedly pregnant and interested in discussing your option to adopt, schedule an appointment at Center for Women. Our staff can answer any of your questions and provide you with the information you need on all of your options.
We're Here For You
At Center for Women, we give the best of ourselves to serve every person who walks through our doors. If you are experiencing an unplanned or planned pregnancy and need direction, reach out and see how we can help.